BuildBlock Safe Room Plans & Construction
Growing up in Oklahoma, BuildBlock is familiar with tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. That’s one of the reasons BuildBlock designed our products the way we did. Tight interlocks, integrated rebar hangers, and other features that take the hassle out of building with ICFs. BuildBlock has added FEMA Compliant Safe Room…

Building Safer Homes & Schools with BuildBlock ICFs
There are many ways to design homes, schools, and buildings to safely survive many different types of disasters. One of the most innovating technologies developed is Insulating Concrete Forms. Insulating Concrete Forms are EPS foam blocks that stack together in the shape of the walls of your structure, are reinforced…

BuildBlock ICFs featured on PBS Hometime this season
BuildBlock is proud to partner with the long-running Hometime program on PBS. BuildBlock ICFs were chosen to build the frost wall below the basement and the basement walls as well. It was an exciting time in Minnesota braving the cold and heavy snow, but the project worked out well. Check…

Designing Spaces: Building One ‘Block’ at a Time…
Designing Spaces goes on site in Arizona with Correspondent David Crow to get a look at ICF construction. Athena Davis from BuildBlock Building Systems takes us on a tour of a home under construction and to visit a new home to show the advantages of using ICF; Insulating Concrete Forms.…

River Escape Net Zero 2011 GreenBuilder Home of the Year
We are proud to announce that our "River Escape" project was named GreenBuilder Magazine's 2011 Home of the Year. This is very prestigious national award from one of the industries most respected green building magazines. This compact 1,267-sq.-ft. home does everything right, from its frost-protected shallow foundation to its ICF…