Press Release: BuildBlock ICFs Releases ICF Products & Safe Room Engineering Manual
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEBuildBlock ICFs Releases ICF Products & Safe Room Engineering ManualOklahoma City, OK – The BuildBlock ICF Products & Safe Room Engineering Manual increases the scope of prescriptive engineering for BuildBlock ICF products. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the PCA 100 Prescriptive Design of Exterior Concrete…

BuildBlock IRC-IBC Code Compliance Research Report Updated
BuildBlock IRC-IBC code compliance research report updated from Intertek Research Report (IRR-1003) to the new Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-1003. After Intertek and ATI completed their corporate merger, the IRR and CCRR reports were also merged. BuildBlock IRC-IBC Code Compliance Research Report updated to reflect compliance with new codes and standards. BuildBlock's new code compliance research…

BuildBlock Exhibits New Products at 2016 International Builders Show & 2016 World of Concrete
BuildBlock ICF products were on display during the 2016 National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) International Builders Show (IBS) held at the Las Vegas Convention Center in late January and the 2016 World of Concrete held at the Las Vegas Convention Center in early February. BuildBlock introduced and demonstrated 5 new products at the show: BuildBlock…

White Paper- ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm
ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm News of natural disasters appear almost daily in the media. While some events, such as floods and earthquakes, are restricted within certain geographic regions, wind storms respect no such bounds. Some areas of the country are more prone to tornadoes or hurricanes, but high…

White Paper- ICF Energy Tax Provisions
Energy Tax Provisions While energy savings of 10 – 15% can be achieved by improving appliances, lighting, and HVAC equipment, there is no doubt that more significant savings must start with improvements to the building envelope. Increasing the insulation values and tightening up the thermal envelope is the most effective and durable…

Press Release: BuildBlock ICFs Releases BuildRadius ICF Wall & Pool Radius Forms
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BuildBlock ICFs Releases BuildRadius ICF Wall & Pool Radius Forms Oklahoma City, OK – BuildBlock Building Systems is excited to introduce BuildRadius, a family of radius forms for use in ICF walls and pool construction. The BuildRadius forms create 2’, 4’, 8’, 12’, 16’, and 20’ arcs.…

BuildBlock Named Best ICF By Builder & Developer Magazine
Oklahoma City, OK– December 8, 2015 -- BuildBlock ICFs, manufactured by BuildBlock Building Systems is the number one ICF brand according to a survey by Peninsula Publishing’s 2015 Brand Survey in the category of Insulating Concrete Forms. The survey is conducted online to the readers of all five of Peninsula’s building industry magazines, including…

Energy-Efficient Bonobo Winery Built with BuildBlock ICFs
The Oosterhouse brothers, Todd and Carter are Traverse City natives who decided to satisfy a life-long dream building a winery of their own. The energy-efficient Bonobo Winery built with BuildBlock ICFs combines many systems and technologies to deliver a commercial success.This project is located in Traverse City Michigan, a tourist destination and…

BuildBlock ICFs Showcases Old French Country Style Design
BuildBlock ICFs Showcases French Country Style Design in this lovely home. It is a classic example of the old french country style design from the multiple platform walkway to the arched front entrance. You appreciate the stone and brick work, the turret, the copper finials, as well as the 30+ windows on the…

Nestledown B&B Uses BuildBlock ICFs To Create Energy-efficient Lodging
Discover how Nestledown B&B uses BuildBlock ICFs to create energy-efficient lodging as a leader in energy conservation & providing comfort for their guests on the shores of Lake Superior. The Schauland's, Ken and Sue, set out to create their dream job, owning a bed and breakfast even though neither of them had ever worked in…