Licensing BuildBlock ICF Products & Technology in your country brings you directly to market saving thousands of hours of product development, engineering, and research.
BuildBlock has spent more than 10 years refining and developing a complete ICF construction system and business model that is cost effective and scalable. Jump start manufacturing in your country and leverage the expertise and resources of the most installer friendly ICF in the world.
BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms: An Ideally Suited Product for Licensing
Licensing BuildBlock ICF Technology and Trademarks will give your organization a substantial advantage in achieving government code approvals and demonstrating the benefits of utilizing ICFs to architects, builders, and contractors. The BuildBlock Technology and Trademark Licensing Agreement has become the method of choice for organizations wishing to rapidly enter a new market by offering the multiple benefits only an experienced organization with a proven technology can offer:
- GUARANTEES that your organization will rapidly go to market with the proven BuildBlock ICF product line
- INSTANTLY CONTRIBUTES years of ICF experience and the BuildBlock brand name respected worldwide to your organization
- ELIMINATES costly monetary and time expenditures on Research and Development. BuildBlock is developing new ICF products on an ongoing basis
- PROVIDES instant access to marketing and website content designed and developed over many years to promote BuildBlock products and branding By licensing BuildBlock ICF Technology and Trademarks your organization will be able to meet the demand for ICFs in your market with the most superior technology available and with the support and collaboration of the experienced BuildBlock organization at your side.
In-House Research and Development vs. BuildBlock Licensing
Internal Research and Development involves up-front capital and a significant degree of technical, market, and financial risk. The company must allocate resources up front for an engineering staff, laboratories, materials, supplies, etc. over an extended time period to conduct a basic and applied research. The company will have to conduct technical, patent, market and finnancial assessments itself if the technology is developed in-house.
In-House Product Development

Idea Generation
- Study Existing or Similar Technology

Assess Market
- Patent Research
- Technical Research
- Market Research
- Manufacturing Research

Business Analysis
- Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Resources Allocation
- Capital Expense
Projections - Profitability/ Margin
Projections - Anticipated Sales
Projections - Manufacturing

Product Development
- Technical Specifications
- Prototyping
- Trial Production
- Testing & Quality
Assurance - Test Market Selling
- Patent Applications

Go to Market
- Marketing Plan
- Sales Training
- Distribution Plan
- Marketing Collateral Design
- Set Launch Date
Key Deliverables
- Product Concept Document
Key Deliverables
- Market Research Report
- Market Requirements Document
- Patent Study
- Product Definition Statement
- Technical/ Manufacturing Study
Key Deliverables
- Business Plan
- Profitability Analysis
- Product Requirements
Key Deliverables
- Product Delivery
Schedule - Product Testing Report
- Test Market Sales
Report - Pending Patent
Key Deliverables
- Initial Marketing Materials
- Product Launch Plan
- Product Launch Budget
- Product ROI Forecast
- Target Launch Date Se
Checkpoint #1
Review Deliverables
- Go/No Go Research
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #2
Review Deliverables
- Go/No Go Analysis
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #3
Review Deliverables
- Go/No Go Develop
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #4
Review Deliverables
- Go/No Go Launch
Checkpoint #5
Review Deliverables
- Go/No-Go to Market
BuildBlock Licensing

Study Existing Technologies
- Study Available Licensing Programs

Contract Process
- Review Term Sheet
- Negotiate Win-Win Terms
- Initial License Fee Deposit Paid
- Order Sample Products From Licensor

Business Analysis
- Cost/Benefit
- Resources Required
- Capital Expenses (Fixed/Variable)
- Profitability/Margin Projections
- Anticipated Sales
- Manufacturing Options
- Test Market Selling

Plant Installation
- Legal/Code Approval
- Raw Material Providers Identified
- Plant Installation
- Plant Testing

Go to Market
- Marketing Plan
- Sales Training
- Distribution Plan
- Collateral Design
- Set Launch Date
Key Deliverables
- Technology Licensing Roadmap
- Licensor’s Licensing Term Sheet
Key Deliverables
Technology License Agreement
Key Deliverables
- Business Case
- Profitability Analysis
- Manufacturing Requirements Document
- Test Market Sales Report
Key Deliverables
- Code Approvals
- Manufacturing Capital Goods
- Raw Materials Contract
Key Deliverables
- Initial Marketing Materials
- Product Launch Plan
- Product Launch Budget
- Product ROI Forecast
- Target Launch Date Set
Checkpoint #1
Description of Activities:
Review Deliverables
- Go/No-Go to Term Negotiation
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #2
Description of Activities:
- Sign License Agreement
- Go/No-Go to Business Development
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #3
Go/No-Go to Establishing
ManufacturingIncubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #4
- Go/No-Go to Launch
- Incubate Idea or Kill
Checkpoint #5
Description of Activities:
- Review Deliverables
Go/No-Go to Market
Licensing Benefits versus Original Product Development
The returns from a licensing arrangement may appear to be less, since a licensing agreement will involve payment of royalties over time to BuildBlock. The risk-relationship is therefore assumed to be typical: where there is greater risk, there is greater reward. There are several value-added factors to consider with licensing BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms which counter this assumption.
- The patented designs of existing Insulating Concrete Form systems are difficult and costly to design around. Infringing on a patent can bring your organization possible financial penalties, as well as a loss of honor and respect with your clients.
- Licensing the BuildBlock ICF system eliminates the risks of designing a new ICF system that is will function effectively in a real world building situation. BuildBlock is a proven system that has successfully grown market share since entering the already mature North American ICF market. BuildBlock put the input from years of experience installing inferior systems into the designs of our ICF products. Ultimately, if the system is not accepted by the ICF installers it will fail to compete effectively.
- In addition to the licensing the ability to manufacture BuildBlock ICFs in your territory, you will have access to the knowledge base of ICF construction that has developed in the North American market over many years. BuildBlock trains and is always available to help our Licensees successfully address the endless amount of scenarios that can arise as ICFs are applied to different types of building projects.
- Royalties paid to BuildBlock offer an inexpensive way to have an ongoing R&D agreement with BuildBlock. BuildBlock makes all of our ongoing ICF product developments available to our Licensees. BuildBlock has introduced new product lines every year since our inception in 2004.
- The interest for ICFs in new markets is growing exponentially every year. Licensing BuildBlock allows for an accelerated market entry in a new market. As competitors are spending time, money, and resources to develop an ICF system, the BuildBlock Licensee will go to market with an advanced and proven ICF system that already has world-wide recognition.
- Going to market with an unproven ICF product, or potentially finding your company in competition with the superior BuildBlock products against a BuildBlock Licensee who is also receiving the support from the current experts in ICF construction will put your company at a competitive disadvantage.