Featured Project: Stid Hill House
ICFs in the Finger Lakes: Maximum Energy Savings, Minimum Maintenance, and Extra Protection Completed in May of 2019, this featured project is the Stid Hill House. Built by Victor Logan in the heart of the New York Finger Lakes region, and has been recognized at the 2020 ICF Builder Awards…

BuildBlock Installation Video Series: Site Review
The BuildBlock ICF Site Review gives you a great start in preparing for your ICF project. In this episode of our Installation Video Series we'll cover one of the most important first steps for your project; site review. This video talks about the building site and things you need to consider…

ICF Points to LEED
ICF Points to LEEDSeveral green building standards have been created over the past several years to focus on reducing the environmental footprint that buildings have on local communities. Fortunately, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are a clear choice for building designers to maximize points in many of these ratings. A quick…

BuildBlock IRC-IBC Code Compliance Research Report Updated
BuildBlock IRC-IBC code compliance research report updated from Intertek Research Report (IRR-1003) to the new Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-1003. After Intertek and ATI completed their corporate merger, the IRR and CCRR reports were also merged. BuildBlock IRC-IBC Code Compliance Research Report updated to reflect compliance with new codes and standards. BuildBlock's new code compliance research…

White Paper- ICF Energy Tax Provisions
Energy Tax Provisions While energy savings of 10 – 15% can be achieved by improving appliances, lighting, and HVAC equipment, there is no doubt that more significant savings must start with improvements to the building envelope. Increasing the insulation values and tightening up the thermal envelope is the most effective and durable…

Press Release: BuildBlock ICFs Releases BuildShield Termite Protection
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BuildBlock ICFs Releases BuildShield Termite Protection Oklahoma City, OK – BuildBlock Building Systems is introducing BuildShield, a revolutionary solution for termite protection in an ICF wall. BuildShield combines an extruded vinyl membrane with an adhesive stainless steel material to form an impenetrable barrier to termites. When integrated…

Texas Tripe Company Puts BuildBlock ICFs to the Test
Texas Tripe Company Chooses BuildBlock ICFs for in Freezer Project in Detroit, Texas. The Texas Tripe project is a unique use of ICF products with sustainability at the heart of the design and purpose. Texas Tripe is a company that produces raw frozen pet food. Running tight on the freezer…

White Paper: The ICF Effect
Continuous R-Value, reduced air infiltration and thermal mass all make up the ICF EffectNew energy codes, higher fuel prices, and colder winters have all contributed to an increased awareness of energy efficient construction. For consumers and builders, this means a stronger focus on increased “R-value” of the building envelope. Understanding the…

NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlocks ICF Disaster Resistance Capabilities
NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlock ICF's Disaster Resistance Capabilities for security of important documents and equipment. As far as banks go, this is one of the most energy-efficient banks in Oklahoma. Banks are high traffic, and considerations for foot traffic must be accounted for in the design. ICFs coupled with the spray…

DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs
The DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs is a true do-it-yourself project from start to finish.Science Teacher, Phillip Plowman and his father are sharing their BuildBlock ICF project. They have been building an entire home themselves from top to bottom for the last year, using much of summer break and…