The Puddingstone Cottage
The Puddingstone Cottage is a 1,200 square foot all ICF earth bermed home. Even the retaining walls utilize ICFs for their toughness.Puddingstone Cottage is an all ICF home that utilizes full height earth berms on three sides of the house to achieve its ultra-high energy performance and added protection from…

Slagell’s Building ICF Home in Hydro, Oklahoma
The Slagell's are Building their ICF home with BuildBlock ICFs in Hydro, Oklahoma. The Slagell's were drawn to the idea of ICFs because of the energy efficiency and long life construction ICFs provide. Doing all the work themselves, they had to choose very closely what materials to use. They chose to…

BuildBlock Building Systems visits a BuildBlock project in Chihuahua, Mexico.
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms, (ICFs) expands manufacturing to Monterrey, Mexico. This new location increases availability of the ICFs in Mexico making BuildBlock ICF products viable for any project in the Mexico. BuildBlock CEO Mike Garrett and Latin America Sales Executive Alfonso Nieves recently spent time on a…

Press Release: BuildBlock Building Systems Projects Win Two National Awards
BuildBlock Building Systems Projects Win Two National Awards at the 2014 ICF Builder Awards in Las Vegas, NV.Oklahoma City, OK— BuildBlock Building Systems, manufacturers of Insulating Concrete Forms, (ICFS) happily accepted two national industry awards last week at the 2014 ICF Builder Awards held during the World of Concrete trade…

Drew Castle Photo Documentary – Eastern Michigan
See the Drew Castle built with BuildBlock ICFs from start to finish through this photo gallery. Also see the Drew Castle video series part 1-4 on our blog!

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 2
More to see inside the construction of an ICF castle using BuildBlock ICFsAs we've seen from the first video, building a comfortable home large or small with BuildBlock ICFs is possible with any design. Our look inside the castle continues upstairs as we look at the guest wing and master suite. The…

Press Release: Reiner Family Builds Ultimate Energy Efficient BuildBlock ICF Home on Lake Miltona
Reiner Family Builds Ultimate Energy Efficient BuildBlock ICF Home on Lake MiltonaFor Immediate Release- MILTONA, MN— Dorothy and Glen Reiner are building a lake home using BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) and GlobalBlock, BuildBlock’s new all foam ICF. This system creates the most energy efficient structures possible with modern technology.…

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 1
How to build a modern energy efficient castle using BuildBlock ICFsIn southeastern Michigan, homeowners Michael and Sue Drew started on a journey more than three years ago. "Initially, we wanted to build a small 1,000 square foot Frank Lloyd Wright inspired cottage on the property. We went all they way through…

ICF Half-Truths, Myths, Misconceptions and Lies
Fear, uncertainty and doubt rule the marketing campaigns of traditional builders. Fear of change, uncertainty about new products and doubt about the future.When your customers start seeing new ICF homes in the area and are interested in considering the technology as an option for their home they will often end…

BuildBlock FieldNotes – 006 ICF Safe Rooms
We’ve all seen what happens on the news when disaster strikes: shattered homes and lives after the tornado or hurricane, smoking ash after the wildfire, and collapsed rubble after the earthquake. Disasters happen when we least expect them,but are something we need to be prepared for. We wear seat belts and have…