Asked & Answered: What is the Prescriptive Method and why do we talk about it?
What is the Prescriptive Method? The Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction is the accepted method for installation, general engineering, and standard for ICF home design. The Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction is a document, originally drafted by the Department of Housing and…

Asked & Answered: Do ICFs Need a Weather Barrier?
One of the questions we are frequently asked is the need for an additional weather barrier or house wrap in ICF construction. The short answer to the question is no. ICFs are a more effective and higher class vapor and water barrier than any house wrap product. ICFs must only be protected…

Asked & Answered: Unfinished Basement Fire Barrier
What's required for my unfinished ICF basement?The BuildBlock Intertek IRR1003, requires a 15 minute fire barrier for all EPS that is exposed to the interior of the building. This can be drywall, which is typically the most cost effective method, stucco, plaster, EIFS, wood paneling, or any other finish product with…

BuildBlock Field Notes – 005 Transporting ICF Blocks
Manufacturing BuildBlock ICFs is the first part of the process. Today we will talk about how to make sure they arrive safely and ready for your project. When manufactured, the ICF blocks are closely inspected to ensure they meet strict quality standards. They are then interlocked together, stacked in bundles,…

New ICF Ethylene Control Building Calvert City, KY
Construction for a new Ethylene Control Building using 12" BuildLock ( BuildBlock’s knockdown block system) is underway at Westlake Chemical Corporation in Calvert Kentucky. The building measures 55’-6” x 177’-6” and is 16’-10” high from top of footing to top of wall. This structure was designed to be explosion proof…

Project Highlight: The Commons at Sea Shell Drive
The Commons at Sea Shell Drive Port Aransas, Texas ICF Builder: Todd Humphreys, CircleT Construction Builder: Nick Lorette Developer: Seashell Village Associates The Commons at Sea Shell Drive is the first all ICF development in the Texas Gulf Coast Region. The developers approached ICF technology for this project because of…