Form-A-Drain (FAD) Accessory Product Changes
The Form-A-Drain (FAD) product is no longer available with fabric attached to the lineals. This change to FAD happened for several reasons. There is a tendency for the fabric to blow off, or otherwise become unattached in shipping, variance of codes around the country and detailing different application scenarios for the fabric. Some…

Asked & Answered: What is the Sound Performance of BuildBlock ICFs?
In general, it is important to limit noise and sound transmission through walls. While important in residential structures, this is especially critical in certain commercial structures such as hospitals, movie theaters, concert halls,hotels and airports that require substantial noise reduction. Homes built on noisy streets or near interstate highways will…

BuildBlock ICF Above Ground Safe Rooms
Tornado season is upon us, and once again, we in the Midwest and Southeast will see thunderstorms forming and rolling across the plains, and we will look up and wonder if that is just a low hanging cloud, or something more ominous. Safety is of primary concern during a tornado. …

White Paper- Vapor Barriers (Retarders) and Air Barriers
Air and moisture can get into a home a number of ways. Convective transfer involves moving air, such as a draft around a window or door, electrical boxes, or other wall penetrations. Diffusion refers to moisture moving through a material, similar to a sponge soaking up water. Cavity wall construction…

White Paper- R-value and Performance of BuildBlock and BuildLock Knockdown Insulating Concrete Forms
The R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry and is generally understood to indicate how efficient the insulation value of the material or product. R-value under uniform conditions it is the ratio of the temperature difference across an insulator and the heat flux…

Asked & Answered: What is the Prescriptive Method and why do we talk about it?
What is the Prescriptive Method? The Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction is the accepted method for installation, general engineering, and standard for ICF home design. The Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction is a document, originally drafted by the Department of Housing and…

Asked & Answered: Do ICFs Need a Weather Barrier?
One of the questions we are frequently asked is the need for an additional weather barrier or house wrap in ICF construction. The short answer to the question is no. ICFs are a more effective and higher class vapor and water barrier than any house wrap product. ICFs must only be protected…

Asked & Answered: Unfinished Basement Fire Barrier
What's required for my unfinished ICF basement?The BuildBlock Intertek IRR1003, requires a 15 minute fire barrier for all EPS that is exposed to the interior of the building. This can be drywall, which is typically the most cost effective method, stucco, plaster, EIFS, wood paneling, or any other finish product with…

EPS Foam Significantly More Energy Efficient Than XPS
There are many reasons BuildBlock ICFs are the premiere ICFs on the market, our use of EPS foam is one of those reasons. As reported by Concrete Construction, "what makes EPS and XPS different is their manufacturing processes. EPS uses steam and the blowing agent pentane to expand polystyrene…

Fastfoot & Rising Damp
BuildBlock uses and recommends FastFoot products on any home construction job to protect the foundation, walls, and structures from unwanted moisture. A link to their article is here: http://www.fab-form.com/fastfoot/fastfootRisingDamp.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6iiwvi1tx4&feature=share&list=UUH4ezCqRXHQhsETfl0dainA