Video: How To Construct T-Walls Using The “No T-Wall Method”
Video Transcript In this video, we're going to cover the no T-wall method, which divides the T-wall into two separate walls, saving time and labor, but requiring two separate pours. First, construct your straight wall the exact same way you would usually construct a straight wall, except where your T-wall…
Video: How To Construct T-Walls For Multi-Story Structures
Video Transcript In this video, we're going to cover T-walls for multi-story structures. This method will follow the single story method almost to a T (nice), except for one key difference in the way we brace the wall. First, to connect our T-wall to the straight wall, we'll make…
Video: How To Build T-Walls For Single-Story Construction
Here is a quick video covering T-walls for single-story construction! Video Transcript In this video, we're going to cover T-walls for single-story construction. First, to connect our T-wall to the straight wall, we'll make a cut on one side of the straight wall block equal to its core size.…