A Competitive Edge… for Developers & Building Owners!

Don’t let soaring energy costs rob you of profits. Spend a little more now, make a lot more later. Invest a little more in the construction of that new office building, apartment complex, housing tract, or other project, and reap the increased profits for years to come. How? Through lower operating costs, greater occupancy appeal, and higher resell value.

icf Multifamily project

Looking for resources to design your project?

Use BuildBlock CAD & BIM objects to create your project.


ICFs can be used to build any structure and nearly any design.


ICFs are perfect to build your entire home. This provides maximum energy efficiency and disaster resilience.

Stem Walls, Foundations, Basements & Safe Rooms

ICFs are the fastest way to build basements and foundations. Solid insulation, strong walls, and worry-free construction.

Multifamily, Duplexes, and High Density Residential

Building multi-family structures, hotels, motels, and other high-density housing is fast and safer than any other building method.

Commercial, Industrial, & Institutional Buildings

Freestanding office space, retail, and other structures all benefit from reduced lifecycle costs, maintenance, increased building safety and disaster resistance.


Schools, Churches &
Houses of Worship

BuildBlock ICFs deliver safe, comfortable, and disaster-resilient environment for schools, churches, hospitals, warehouses, and industrial buildings all benefit from ICF construction.

Swimming Pools &
Water Features

Build faster, extend your pool season with an insulated pool without sacrificing design options.

See ICFs in action & learn more about building with icfs!

BuildBlock ICF Construction:

  • Creates a permanent structure requiring less maintenance and repair,
  • Maximizes your investment and appeals to future buyers when you’re ready to roll it over,
  • Attracts occupants with its many benefits.

Anything stick construction can do, ICF construction does better. See our Why ICFs section to learn about the many benefits of an ICF structure. Our Why BuildBlock section demonstrates the many construction advantages of BuildBlock and how we stack up to the competition. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or for a referral to an architect or contractor in your area.

Building cost effective energy efficient homes and buildings that stand for centuries is the legacy your company wants to leave behind. That is exactly what building with insulating concrete forms does for your business. ICF homes offer so many advantages to builders and home owners alike, it’s no wonder the industry continues to grow by leaps and bounds!

There’s never been a better time to make the move to ICFs: Soaring energy costs and more stringent building codes are driving buyers to the tremendous energy-efficiency of ICF homes and BuildBlock’s insulating concrete form system is flexible, easy-to-use and more affordable than ever. BuildBlock offers you ultimate flexibility in the construction process and in the way you purchase insulating concrete forms.

You can choose the option that best serves your needs:

  • For local service and support, order through the BuildBlock distributor in your area,
  • Order directly from BuildBlock through our Direct Buyer program, or
  • Become a BuildBlock distributor for even more savings

It’s always more comfortable to do what’s always been done. Insulating concrete form construction is worth getting out of your comfort zone. The small learning curve is the road to huge potential in a market that’s destined to grow. Don’t get left behind, add ICF construction to your services. BuildBlock ICFs are designed to be cost effective to install, a value added benefit to the homeowner, and extremely competitive with other blocks on the market today. Contact BuildBlock and let us show you the benefits of building ICF for your company and your customers.