BuildBlock News

Video: How To Build T-Walls For Single-Story Construction


Here is a quick video covering T-walls for single-story construction!

Video Transcript

In this video, we’re going to cover T-walls for single-story construction. First, to connect our T-wall to the straight wall, we’ll make a cut on one side of the straight wall block equal to its core size. Depending on the location of your T-wall, you’ll have to cut one or two webs away from the foam to make this cut. When doing so, make sure to leave the saddles intact so rebar can still be placed. Next, shim off the last two and a half inches of teeth on both sides of the cut. This will allow the next course of block to lie flush on top of the first course. Next, cut two inches from our T-wall block to create a minimum of a two-inch overlap for the next course of block, and ensure the nailers will line up each course.


Next, place your L-bar. Your L-bar is going to alternate each course to reinforce the T-wall juncture. Alternate its placement both on the direction of the bend in the straight wall as well as alternating its placement on either side of the web saddles. Next, to help support the integrity of the wall during the pour, use a wire tie to connect the T-wall to the straight block. The wire tie should cover two to three webs on the T-wall and connect to either the rebar, or the web on the straight wall. The wire will also alternate each course.


For the second course, the T-wall block is now going to lie flush on top of the first course instead of butting up against it. For this, we’ll need to make our straight wall cut an extra two and a half inches on either side. We’ll also shim off the last two and a half inches of teeth from the T-wall block. Our L-bars are alternated, as well as the wire reinforcement, and we can continue this same process for each course, alternating between the T-wall block butting against the straight wall block and lying flush on top of it. We recommend using one by three strapping for the courses that butt against the straight wall, meaning the first, third, and fifth. For single story structures, we also recommend using two by four strapping on the back where two webs have been cut.


This is our recommended way of completing a T-wall for a single story structure. Thanks for watching and if you have any further questions, please give us a call.