Asked&Answered: GlobalBlock Frequently Asked Questions
In our latest Asked&Answered we routinely get questions about building with one of our newest products, GlobalBlock the All Foam ICF. Let's answer common questions about ICF construction using GlobalBlock the All Foam ICF. GlobalBlock Benefits GlobalBlock reduces ICF cost by more than 40%. GlobalBlock uses 1/3 less concrete. Increased…

ICF Half-Truths, Myths, Misconceptions and Lies
Fear, uncertainty and doubt rule the marketing campaigns of traditional builders. Fear of change, uncertainty about new products and doubt about the future.When your customers start seeing new ICF homes in the area and are interested in considering the technology as an option for their home they will often end…

Upping the R-value in ICF Construction
BuildBlock ICFs have an R value over R-22 and a performance value between R-45 and R-55, but sometimes customers demand something greater. BuildBlock created ThermalSert and ThermalSert KD to service that need. The ThermalSert product is added to each course of block to the inside of the outside wall. This…

ICFs are the future of foundations and homes.
There is an unmistakable trend: Buyers are demanding homes that use less energy. Builders and developers are starting to take notice. Green energy efficient construction is one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy not only in North America, but worldwide. The adoption of the 2012 Energy Codes and…

Asked & Answered: Is there an advantage to using wood bucks for window/door openings versus BuildBuck?
The majority of heat loss in an ICF home comes through wall openings such as windows and doors. You want to ensure that you have maintained as much insulation as possible around your openings. We have recommended V-buck for a number of years, but sadly they are no longer in business.…