Sherwin-Williams Commercial Project, Oklahoma City, OK

About the Sherwin-Williams Project
This project is for an Oklahoma based construction company, AC Owen, who are the general contractor and owner of the structure. This structure is being built for a new Oklahoma City retail location for Sherwin-Williams. Sherwin-Williams is one of the world’s leading paint suppliers, offering all kinds of paint and finishes for both professionals and DIYers. Their products are exclusively available at Sherwin-William company operated retail stores with over 5,000 locations across North and Latin America.
The design for this future 4,400 sqf retail store includes a store front, showrooms for both retail and wholesale sales, restrooms, a storage room, shipping bay, and an office. The interior of this design will feature several sales counters and display shelves. Interestingly, this store will feature three different types of exterior finishes:
brick, steel sidings, and EIFs.
Super Floor
This project will also utilize the Super Floor suspended concrete flooring system and is a great example of how easily it can integrate with ICFs! The Super Floor system is manufactured from pre-galvanized high tensile steel. Next, the joists are placed on the primary support then the Super Floor support system securers the joists into the correct position. After that, the tray/pan is laid into across the support and then reinforcing steel is placed. After completing these steps, concrete is then poured. Generally Super Floor uses a 4” reinforced concrete topping.
Why The Owners Chose BuildBlock ICFs
This new Sherwin-Williams retail store in OKC is being built with BuildBlock ICFs! While ICFs offer many benefits including speedier construction, more comfort, better disaster-resilience and far greater energy efficiency, the deciding factor in choosing ICFs was lower construction costs.
By using ICFs for this project, instead of steel stud construction, the building owners were able to reduce the construction cost by over 10%!
Here are some of the ways ICFs were able to reduce costs during design:
- By using ICFs and concrete, builders are able to reduce the speed of construction by as much as 25%, helping reduce labor costs.
- Using ICFs for the exterior shell can save as much as 25% on the initial costs of the HVAC system equipment due to the reduction in heating and cooling loads, resulting in a return on investment that would reduce monthly utility costs by 40% or greater.
- ICFs can also reduce Builder’s Risk and Owner Liability Insurance by as much as 80% by utilizing the storm and fire-resistant exterior building shell offered by ICFs.
- Using ICFs will allow construction to continue during cold weather conditions along with reducing the time needed to build the exterior building envelope.
- Futher cost savings can be realized by integrating specialized systems such as Geothermal HVAC, LED Lighting packages, and Building Energy Management Systems.
Project Partners
There are a number of different partners involved in this project, learn more about each one here:

Dolese Bros Co.
The company's plants and quarries produce more than concrete, sand, and crushed stone – Dolese provides their customers with innovative solutions that help them build their region's homes, communities and infrastructure. From individual homeowners to large industrial contractors, customers rely on Dolese to fulfill their building needs.
(405) 235-2311

AC Owen
AC Owen is a construction group in Edmond and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their company works with the architects, engineers, sub-contractors, and vendors to control costs and mitigate risk. They also work closely with with owners to ensure appropriate planning, careful scheduling and foresight to handle all phases of construction.
(405) 285-9333

KBA Constructors
KBA Constructors is an expert ICF and Masonry subcontractor located in Tuttle, Oklahoma. They are experienced builders providing services and installations specializing in block, brick, stone, manufactured stone, decorative CMU, and Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) for all types of construction.
(405) 482-0677

Superfloor USA
Super Floor offers the highest quality suspended concrete floor systems on the market. The Super Floor System is designed to provide superior strength and stability, while still being easy to install and maintain. This system is suitable for all types of construction, whether ICF, steel frame, masonry, or precast concrete frames.
(513) 735-5500
Project Timeline

BuildBlock ICFs Delivered
BuildBlock ICFs were delivered to the jobsite. After being delivered, the bundles of ICF are staged on the jobsite to be ready for the next step: forming the walls.

Wall Forming Begins
Construction crews start stacking the first courses of ICF wall. ICF blocks are stacked, with rebar being placed inside of the webs horizontally and vertically, the walls are then braced and straightened prior to the concrete pour.

Concrete Pour Begins
KBA Contractors started pouring concrete into the ICF walls. The concrete mix was supplied by Dolese Bros.

Super Floor Joists Installed
After the concrete was poured and cured, KBA began to set joists for the Super Floor suspended concrete flooring system.

Super Floor Roof Poured
After placing the Super Floor joists and panels, 4" of concrete was poured on top to finish the system.

Interior Metal Framing Placed & Brick Exterior Application Begins
Metal framing is being installed for interior walls and exterior finishes are being applied.

Front Brick Exterior Finish Completed & Electrical, HVAC Installation
Exterior brick finish have been applied and installation of electrical and HVAC components.

Rear EIFS Finish, Electrical, and HVAC Installed
The EIFS finish on the back side of the structure has been installed.

Metal Exterior, Interior Finishes
Metal siding is in place and crews have begun finishing out the interior space.

Finishing Interior Space
The interior space is almost complete, expecting product to arrive in September.

Construction Finished
Finishes are installed and construction is complete. Sherwin-Williams has already begin moving product into the space, getting ready for opening.

Project Gallery
Learn more about building with icfs
ICFs for Residential, Commercial, and Pool Construction
ICFs are perfect to build your entire home. This provides the maximum energy efficiency and disaster resilience.
ICFs are the fastest way to build basements and foundations. Solid insulation, strong walls, and worry-free construction.
Building multifamily structures, hotels, motels, and other high-density housing is fast and safer than any other building method.
Freestanding office space, retail, and other structures all benefit from reduced life-cycle costs, maintenance, increased building safety and disaster resistance.
BuildBlock ICFs deliver safe, comfortable and disaster resilient environment for schools, churches, hospitals, warehouse, and industrial buildings all benefit from ICF construction.
Build faster, extend your pool season with an insulated pool without sacrificing design options.