BuildBlock Product Testing

BuildBlock Insulating concrete forms have been thoroughly tested by Intertek and the National Research Council of Canada and have received Evaluation Reports from Intertek and CCMC stating they are code compliant in the United States and Canada. Please contact our technical department with any questions.

Code Approvals

The information below relates to the rigorous BuildBlock Product Testing of BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms.

Please visit our Code Approvals page for specific code approvals.

Visit BuildBlock’s YouTube Channel for videos on product testing.


BuildBlock ICF Product Testing Timeline

March 15, 2005

Initiation of Product Testing

BuildBlock Building Systems signed in February with Intertek to perform and complete all product testing for code approvals both for Canadian CCMC and U.S. ICC-ES listings. We estimate that all testing will be completed within the next three to four months. Final code approvals could be available by year end or shortly thereafter. Please be aware that final code approvals may vary significantly in timing due to specific issues that may arise.

May 27, 2005

Web Ties Spontaneous Ignition Test Report No. 3075407(a)

On May 27, 2005, Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd./Warnock Hersey conducted a spontaneous ignition test on samples of polypropylene web ties. BuildBlock product testing was conducted in accordance
with ASTM D-1929, Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics, Section 8.2 of the standard only, Spontaneous Ignition Temperature.

May 27, 2005

Web Ties Flammability Test Report No. 3075407(b)

On May 27, 2005, Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd./Warnock Hersey conducted a flammability test program on samples of polypropylene web ties. The samples were tested in accordance with ASTM D635-98, Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position.

June 20, 2005

Foam Plastic Room Fire Test Report No. 3075407(c)

On June 20, 2005, Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd./Warnock Hersey conducted a room fire test in accordance with the Uniform Building Code Standard 26-3, 1997, Room Fire Test Standard for Interior of Foam Plastic Systems.

July 29, 2005

AC 12: Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic Insulation

Final Report No.3074552-01

Manufacturing Facility: SCA, Colorado Springs, CO

From April to July 2005, evaluation was carried out to determine whether the material would comply with ICC Evaluation Services’ AC 12, Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic
dated February 2005. To comply with AC 12, the thermal insulation component of the product was tested in accordance with ASTM C 578-03, Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation. In addition, the reinforcing tie component was tested to determine ultimate tensile load, fastener withdrawal capacity, and fastener lateral resistance.NOTE:  The Main Body of the Final Report contains the table of contents, an 8-page introduction and the index cover pages for each of the Appendixes. You must download each separate Appendix below in order to have the entire report.

  • Main Body of Final Report No. 30074552-01
  • Appendix A:  Compressive Strength Test Data (4 pages)
  • Appendix B:  Thermal Resistance Test Data (3 pages)
  • Appendix C:  Flexural Strength Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix D:  Water Vapor Permeance Test Data (3 pages)
  • Appendix E:  Limited Oxygen Index Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix F:  Density Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix G:  Dimensional Stability Test Data (2 pages)
  • Appendix H:  Water Absorption Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix I:  Ultimate Load Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix J:  Fastener Withdrawal Test Data (1 page)
  • Appendix K:  Fastener Lateral Resistance Test Data (1 page)

August 26, 2005 ASTM C 578-03CAN/ULC-S701-02

Final Report No.3074552-02

Manufacturing Facility: SCA, Pardeeville, WI

Confirmatory Testing of BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms: Density, Flexural and Compression Strength ASTM C 578-03 Standard, Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation and CAN/ULC-S701-02, Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering Manufacturing Facility: SCA Packaging, Pardeeville, WI 53954.

August 26, 2005

ASTM C 578-03CAN/ULC-S701-02 Final Report No.3074552-03

Manufacturing  Facility: Foam Molders, Post Falls, ID

Confirmatory Testing of BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms: Density, Flexural and Compression Strength ASTM C 578-03 Standard, Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation and CAN/ULC-S701-02, Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering

Sept. 27, 2005ASTM D1761-88

Final Report No.3074552

Tests:  Fastener Lateral Resistance & Fastener Withdrawal Test Methods: ASTM D1761-88 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood ICC ES AC 12: July 2004 Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic insulation ICC ES AC 116: March 2005 Acceptance for Nails and Spikes

Dec. 12, 2005 ASTM E119-00a

Report No.3083037

Fire Tests of Building Construction and MaterialsASTM E119-00a

3-Hour Fire Resistance Test of a Load-bearing Insulated Concrete Form Wall Intertek Report Abstract: A 10-ft x 10-ft x 11-in (6-in. core) thick load bearing wall assembly constructed from BuildBlock Building Systems BB600 insulated concrete forms filled with minimum 3,000 psi concrete produced, assembled and tested as described herein, successfully met the conditions of acceptance as outlined in ASTM Method E119-00a Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials for a fire endurance rating of 3-h while carrying a superimposed load of 5,000 pounds per lineal foot.After the fire and hose stream tests, the load was increased incrementally from 5,000 lbs/lineal foot to 7,500 to 10,000 to 12,000. The wall was measured for deflection at the mid-height at the left and right sides of the wall. There was no noticeable deflection at any of the increased loads.

March 22, 2006

Final Report No.3074552-04

Pour Wall Capacity Test Performance Testing of BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms to NRC-CNRC Technical Guide for Modular, Expanded-Polystyrene Concrete Forms

July 31, 2006

Final Report No. 3098822COQ-002

Manufacturing Facility: Pardeeville, WI & Colorado Springs, CO

ASTM C 578-05 Standard for “Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation”

May 18, 2007

ASTME 331-96

Report No.31211831

Water Penetration TestWater Penetration Per ASTME 331-96 at a test pressure of 2.86 PSF. Result = Pass.

August 03, 2007

National Research Council Canada.Code Approval CCMC 13283-R

CCMC 13283-R Approval. Approval Confirmation from the Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC) that “BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms” can serve as a wall forming system, resulting in a monolithic concrete wall in compliance with the intent of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) 1995

October 18, 2007

Approval. confirmation From ICC Evaluation Services, Inc. Reference report Number ESR 1911

BuildBlock Building Systems, LLC has received confirmation from ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICC-ES), that our BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Form System complies with the provisions of the 2006 International Building Code, 2006 International Residential Code, BOCA National Building Code, 1999 Standard Building Code, 1997 Uniform Building Code, 1998 International One– and Two- Family Dwelling Code.

September 1, 2013

Approval. confirmation from Intertek Group PLC

Reference report Number IRR 1003

BuildBlock Building Systems, LLC has received confirmation from Intertek Group PLC, that our BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Form System and BuildLock Insulating Concrete Forms System complies with the provisions of the 2009 International Building Code and the 2009 International Residential Code. This report is a replacement for the ICC ESR-1911 used previously and carries the same code compliance information and authorization.

Screw Pull-out Testing by Wind-lock

March 28, 2005

Test results on our 6-inch and 8-inch webs have been completed by Wind-Lock. The following results were reported.

Pull-out Test on Web Extra-Heavy Duty Attachment Points

(Noted as “BB” on block face.)


Screw Part


bb-600-web-high-densityWLMT11-5/8″#7497.1 lbs.
WLMT22″#8484.4 lbs.
 bb-600-web-attachWLMT11-5/8″#7170.5 lbs.
WLMT22″#8172.9 lbs.
Please note these tests are not from Intertek and are for reference only.