The Benefits of Using BuildBlock ICF Construction
ICFs use dense EPS foam insulation around a solid structural concrete wall. This dense insulation, combined with concrete’s reluctance to change temperature means the interior of your home or building is stable not wasting energy combating the extremes outside.
ICF walls are stable and resist the rapidly changing environment outside. They’re air tight preventing drafts and protect you from heat and cold, noise, pollution, and mother nature herself.
This keeps what’s outside where it belongs, leaving you comfortable, quiet and secure no matter the threat.
In every-day life noisy neighbors, busy streets, trains, planes, and other annoyances stop at the walls leaving you in peace.
ICFs have an STC rating of 54 which means shouting and other disturbances outside the walls cannot be heard.
Disaster Resilience
The core of ICF walls is reinforced concrete. This provides extremely strong walls to support almost any concept or design and will withstand more than 200mph winds, impacts from debris, and other challenges life may throw at your home.
Life Safety & Security
BuildBlock ICF walls are strong and solid. They will withstand more than 200mph winds by default and can be made even stronger.
Strong reinforced concrete delivers safety in high-seismic zones, in coastal areas, performs well in flood prone areas, provides a 4-hour fire rating, and creates a home that is resilient most anything mother nature can think of.
Solid Strong Walls
ICF walls are solid structural air-tight reinforced concrete. They are all poured at once and as one solid piece and resist all the challenges Mother Nature has to offer.
Combined with the EPS foam insulation and the embedded insulated plastic studs this structure will stay strong and secure for more than a lifetime.
Green Construction & Low Waste
ICFs are a green product. Not only on the energy-efficiency and disaster resilience, but in manufacturing too.
EPS bead is expanded using steam in special molds to create the different shapes and sizes of ICF blocks.
When installed, filled with concrete and finished inside and out the EPS foam will not degrade or decay. It doesn’t compact or lose its insulation value and will keep insulating for hundreds of years.
Lowest Waste Product
BuildBlock ICFs especially are designed with a 1″ repeating interlock pattern, so during the ICF construction, the least waste possible is created. It also makes it easier to recycle any scrap.
Any portion of BuildBlock ICFs with at least 1 web, can be filled in to a part of another wall, further reducing waste.
Healthier Home / Less Dirt & Dust
Dust, dirt, pollen, etc. all filter in through conventionally built homes; it’s just their nature.
ICF walls are air tight keeping dust, dirt, allergens, and more outside where they belong.
Air Tight Walls
ICF homes don’t suffer from drafts and cold spots. that keeps heating & cooling inside where you want it.
Just one more way to keep you and your utility bills comfortable.