White Paper: The ICF Effect
Continuous R-Value, reduced air infiltration and thermal mass all make up the ICF EffectNew energy codes, higher fuel prices, and colder winters have all contributed to an increased awareness of energy efficient construction. For consumers and builders, this means a stronger focus on increased “R-value” of the building envelope. Understanding the…

Press Release: BuildBlock ICFs Releases Revised & Expanded Product Installation & Technical Manuals
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEBuildBlock ICFs Releases Revised & Expanded Product Installation & Technical Manuals.Oklahoma City, OK – BuildBlock Building Systems is pleased to announce the release of updated and revised installation and technical manuals for all BuildBlock products. The manual updates include new methods and examples of ICF construction, technical specifications, CAD…

NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlocks ICF Disaster Resistance Capabilities
NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlock ICF's Disaster Resistance Capabilities for security of important documents and equipment. As far as banks go, this is one of the most energy-efficient banks in Oklahoma. Banks are high traffic, and considerations for foot traffic must be accounted for in the design. ICFs coupled with the spray…

DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs
The DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs is a true do-it-yourself project from start to finish.Science Teacher, Phillip Plowman and his father are sharing their BuildBlock ICF project. They have been building an entire home themselves from top to bottom for the last year, using much of summer break and…

Getting to Know Ramona Kinney
In this edition of Getting to Know, we meet Ramona Kinney. Ramona Kinney returned to BuildBlock in January as the Administrative Assistant.We asked Ramona a few questions about her role on the BuildBlock team.[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left]BuildBlock: Why did you want to work at BuildBlock?Ramona: I have many many strengths to contribute to the team.…

Form-A-Drain (FAD) Accessory Product Changes
The Form-A-Drain (FAD) product is no longer available with fabric attached to the lineals. This change to FAD happened for several reasons. There is a tendency for the fabric to blow off, or otherwise become unattached in shipping, variance of codes around the country and detailing different application scenarios for the fabric. Some…

The Puddingstone Cottage
The Puddingstone Cottage is a 1,200 square foot all ICF earth bermed home. Even the retaining walls utilize ICFs for their toughness.Puddingstone Cottage is an all ICF home that utilizes full height earth berms on three sides of the house to achieve its ultra-high energy performance and added protection from…

BuildBlock ICFs Meet Future Building Codes Today
BuildBlock ICFs meet future building codes today and are independently tested for compliance with 2015 building codes.Building codes are constantly evaluated and revised and BuildBlock ICFs continue exceed current code requirements and planned future building codes for energy efficiency. Every three years the IRC and IBC release updated codes. These codes are usually the basis for…

ICF Accessory Highlight: RubberCoat® a VOC Free Waterproof Coating
BuildBlock is continually looking for new ICF accessories and products to create better quality ICF structures. US-TEK Supreme Coatings recently introduced BuildBlock to RubberCoat a VOC free waterproof coating suitable for use on ICF structures. It is an innovative, safe, effective, environmentally friendly, and high-performance protective coatings for use in an extensive range of markets and…

Press Release: BuildBlock Building Systems Ranks Top ICF Structural System in GreenBuilder Magazine
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:BuildBlock Building Systems Ranks Top ICF Structural System in GreenBuilder MagazineOklahoma City, OK – BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms, (ICFs) ranked as top ICF Structural System in the 2015 Readers Choice Survey by GreenBuilder Magazine.This annual brand awareness survey of Green building professionals, chose the greenest structural system products…