BuildBlock ICC-500 Tornado Impact Testing
Although we couldn't persuade Intertek engineers to test our wall system with a real missile, we came close with our successful ICC-500 Tornado Impact Testing. This "Missile Impact Test" involved firing 15 lb. 2x4s from a high-pressure air cannon at over 100 mph! The goal was to assess how well…

The BuildBlock Comprehensive Guide Waterproofing
The BuildBlock Comprehensive Guide to ICF Waterproofing demonstrates the most effective strategies for waterproofing ICF structures. Waterproofing ICF homes is substantially different from standard concrete construction and is commonly overlooked or installed incorrectly. The BuildBlock Comprehensive Guide to Waterproofing is a 15 page educational manual that is free to download and is intended to…

Common Misconceptions Regarding ICFs and Current Energy Codes
There are common misconceptions regarding ICFs and the current energy codes. While many people involved in the home design, construction and inspection process are familiar with the R-value requirements of a cavity wall, most do not understand that different standards apply to ICFs. Wall Types Cavity walls are usually wood…

White Paper- STC and Sound Performance of BuildBlock and BuildLock Knockdown Insulating Concrete Forms
BuildBlock ICFs can provide an STC Rating of 54 keeping noise pollution outside where it belongs. The STC rating of a wall assembly refers to its resistance to sound transmission. Sound is measured in decibels, (db) and is on a logarithmic scale, meaning that the values are not linear in nature, and a…

White Paper: Cement Fiber Board Installation
"Lap siding is a popular exterior finish for both residential and commercial ICF jobs. Cement-board siding is particularly popular, due to its durability, ease of installation and fire-resistant qualities. " Clark Ricks, ICF Builder Magazine (http://www.icfmag.com/how-to/ht_exterior_finishes.html) Installing Cement Fiber Board siding over an ICF is becoming more prevalent. There is…

Footing to Wall Connections
Footing to Wall ConnectionsThe connection between the footing and an ICF wall is very important. Too often, this connection is omitted from the discussion about reinforcing an ICF wall. There are a number of factors that have to be taken into account. These include the wind loads, exposure categories and seismic zones.The…

ICF Points to LEED
ICF Points to LEEDSeveral green building standards have been created over the past several years to focus on reducing the environmental footprint that buildings have on local communities. Fortunately, Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are a clear choice for building designers to maximize points in many of these ratings. A quick…

White Paper- ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm
ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm News of natural disasters appear almost daily in the media. While some events, such as floods and earthquakes, are restricted within certain geographic regions, wind storms respect no such bounds. Some areas of the country are more prone to tornadoes or hurricanes, but high…

White Paper- ICF Energy Tax Provisions
Energy Tax Provisions While energy savings of 10 – 15% can be achieved by improving appliances, lighting, and HVAC equipment, there is no doubt that more significant savings must start with improvements to the building envelope. Increasing the insulation values and tightening up the thermal envelope is the most effective and durable…

White Paper: The ICF Effect
Continuous R-Value, reduced air infiltration and thermal mass all make up the ICF EffectNew energy codes, higher fuel prices, and colder winters have all contributed to an increased awareness of energy efficient construction. For consumers and builders, this means a stronger focus on increased “R-value” of the building envelope. Understanding the…