ICF Training, Installer Training Series, Press Releases

New Training Course: Pouring an ICF Project

As part of our ongoing commitment to ICF education, BuildBlock is proud to present our newest training course, Pouring an ICF Project.

When working with ICFs, it is very important that what you put inside your walls is just as good as the ICFs themselves. Concrete makes ICF walls strong but can be difficult to work with if you’re not prepared. In this course, we’ll cover 5 easy practices that will help your ICF pour to be successful. 

Below, we’ve included an abbreviated section from the Pouring an ICF Project Course. This section provides an overview of how to test the slump of concrete. The training course goes into greater detail so take a look at the process below and then register for the free course by visiting buildblock.com/training.  

How to Check Concrete Slump

Over 1,000 people have joined the BuildBlock Online Training Portal! Join them and continue your ICF education today!

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