Mastropolo Home New York City, NY
24 Nov
BuildBlock Projects

New City, New York home demonstrates BuildBlock ICFs are perfect for special needs

[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Choosing Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) for one of the most important investments in your life brings peace of mind, safety, and security for you and your family. ICFs allow you to build whatever design you require without compromising energy efficiency, life safety, and comfort. The Mastropolo home in New City, New York…

28 Oct
BuildBlock Products

Asked&Answered: GlobalBlock Frequently Asked Questions

In our latest Asked&Answered we routinely get questions about building with one of our newest products, GlobalBlock the All Foam ICF. Let's answer common questions about ICF construction using GlobalBlock the All Foam ICF. GlobalBlock Benefits GlobalBlock reduces ICF cost by more than 40%. GlobalBlock uses 1/3 less concrete. Increased…

ThermalSert ICF Insulation Insert Panels
23 Oct
BuildBlock Products

Upping the R-value in ICF Construction

BuildBlock ICFs have an R value over R-22 and a performance value between R-45 and R-55, but sometimes customers demand something greater. BuildBlock created ThermalSert and ThermalSert KD to service that need. The ThermalSert product is added to each course of block to the inside of the outside wall. This…

18 Aug

BuildBlock Field Notes – 005 Transporting ICF Blocks

Manufacturing BuildBlock ICFs is the first part of the process. Today we will talk about how to make sure they arrive safely and ready for your project. When manufactured, the ICF blocks are closely inspected to ensure they meet strict quality standards. They are then interlocked together, stacked in bundles,…