How to Repair a Damaged ICF Wall Section
In this short video, DIY home-builder Chris shows you how he repaired a piece of ICF wall after it was damaged by wild animals. Video Transcription: Here's how to repair a rather fantastic hole that some wild dogs tore into the side of this building. Apparently, a small animal had…
Home Builders Resource Expo
See BuildBlock ICFs in person June 29th & 30th at Home Builders Resource Expo: Rebuilding After A Wildfire | Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico, CA When rebuilding after a disaster using BuildBlock ICFs gives you peace of mind for the future and delivers the many benefits of ICFs every day for you and your…
Home Builders Resource Expo
See BuildBlock ICFs in person June 29th & 30th at Home Builders Resource Expo: Rebuilding After A Wildfire | Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, Chico, CA When rebuilding after a disaster using BuildBlock ICFs gives you peace of mind for the future and delivers the many benefits of ICFs every day for you and your…

How to Install Electrical Wiring Into ICF Walls
Join BuildBlock CTO Micah Garrett as he shows you a few quick and easy strategies for installing electrical wiring into ICF walls. Video Transcript: Hi, I'm Micah Garrett with BuildBlock Building Systems and today we're going to show you how to mount electrical boxes. We're going to go over some…

BuildBlock ICF Training in March
Michigan Training (March 22 and 23) You are invited to this day-long seminar in Wixom, MI! Lead by Jim Quain of Thermal Wall, this class discusses and presents how to build with BuildBlock ICFs. The class will be held on March 22nd and again on March 23rd. Seminar Topics Footing…

Strength in the Storm: The Florida Beach House
The Florida Beach House wins second place in the category of Large Residential at the 2019 ICF Builder Awards. The Florida Beach House Proves How Strong, Efficient, and Beautiful an ICF Home Can Be The ICF industry hangs its hat on a few defining benefits; energy efficiency, ease of construction,…

Press Release: ICFs Outperform Wood in Independent Scientific Study
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CLEB LABORATORIES THERMAL STUDY PROVES INSULATING CONCRETE FORM WALLS CAN ACHIEVE UP TO 60% ENERGY SAVINGS AND 58% GREATER R-VALUE FOR HOME AND BUILDING OWNERS Oklahoma City, OK – According to a recent scientific study, commissioned by the ICF Manufacturers Association, an ICF wall produces a 58% better…

BuildBlock Installation Video Series: Site Review
The BuildBlock ICF Site Review gives you a great start in preparing for your ICF project. In this episode of our Installation Video Series we'll cover one of the most important first steps for your project; site review. This video talks about the building site and things you need to consider…

BuildBlock Installation Video Series: ICF Construction Overview
The BuildBlock ICF Construction Overview gives you a great start in preparing for your ICF project. Welcome to the BuildBlock Installation Video Series ICF Construction Overview. The videos in this series are intended to cover the entire ICF construction process with important topics, tips, and techniques. This video covers many of the important…

Building a BuildBlock ICF Basement
BuildBlock ICF forms are ideal for building a solid, dry, energy efficient ICF basement. This video in the BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms Installer Series takes you through a pre-prour review of an ICF basement. We'll demonstrate wall stacking strategies for your basement and/or first floor walls. See each step with…