BuildBlock ICF Training in March
Michigan Training (March 22 and 23) You are invited to this day-long seminar in Wixom, MI! Lead by Jim Quain of Thermal Wall, this class discusses and presents how to build with BuildBlock ICFs. The class will be held on March 22nd and again on March 23rd. Seminar Topics Footing…

Energy Efficient BuildBlock Vineyard House Project
The Energy Efficient BuildBlock Vineyard House in Paw Paw, Michigan has caught the attention of many around the country and has improved the opinion of ICFs in the state. This attention came from the low cost, the design, and the sheer beauty of this sustainable home. All of these features are…

Energy-Efficient Bonobo Winery Built with BuildBlock ICFs
The Oosterhouse brothers, Todd and Carter are Traverse City natives who decided to satisfy a life-long dream building a winery of their own. The energy-efficient Bonobo Winery built with BuildBlock ICFs combines many systems and technologies to deliver a commercial success.This project is located in Traverse City Michigan, a tourist destination and…

Nestledown B&B Uses BuildBlock ICFs To Create Energy-efficient Lodging
Discover how Nestledown B&B uses BuildBlock ICFs to create energy-efficient lodging as a leader in energy conservation & providing comfort for their guests on the shores of Lake Superior. The Schauland's, Ken and Sue, set out to create their dream job, owning a bed and breakfast even though neither of them had ever worked in…

Drew Castle Photo Documentary – Eastern Michigan
See the Drew Castle built with BuildBlock ICFs from start to finish through this photo gallery. Also see the Drew Castle video series part 1-4 on our blog!

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 4
Micheal and Sue Drew are building an ICF castle to last, but wish they would have done ICFs all the way up to the gables. http://youtu.be/ZYDeb3voZFs Micheal and Sue Drew are building an ICF castle in eastern Michigan. Being the last video of the series, we learn why they initially…

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 3
BuildBlock ICFs were critical to hold up 150,000 pound slate & copper roof. http://youtu.be/ELgVZYYm4wA The Drew Castle in southeastern Michigan tour continues. In parts one and two Mike and Sue Drew showed us the inspiration for their dream castle and many of its features. Now we learn why BuildBlock ICFs and other materials we…

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 2
More to see inside the construction of an ICF castle using BuildBlock ICFsAs we've seen from the first video, building a comfortable home large or small with BuildBlock ICFs is possible with any design. Our look inside the castle continues upstairs as we look at the guest wing and master suite. The…

Project Spotlight: Building an ICF Castle Part 1
How to build a modern energy efficient castle using BuildBlock ICFsIn southeastern Michigan, homeowners Michael and Sue Drew started on a journey more than three years ago. "Initially, we wanted to build a small 1,000 square foot Frank Lloyd Wright inspired cottage on the property. We went all they way through…