Press Release: Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Press Release: Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards
Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada—BuildBlock Building System’s Musgrave Agencies project receives First Runner Up for Light Commercial at the National ICF Builder Awards in Las Vegas, NV. Each year in conjunction of the…

ICF Builder Award First Runner up for Light Commercial 2014 – Musgrave Agencies Building
Musgraves Agencies Chose BuildBlock ICFs for their sustainable energy building, winning first runner up in light commercial at the 2014 ICF Builder awards.ICFs Chosen for sustainable Musgrave Agencies Building. Musgrave Agencies is a family owned and managed real estate and land development company in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada and built a…