Video: Perkins Educare Safe Room Part 2
Perkins Educare Safe RoomConstruction continues on the Educare safe room in Perkins. While the kids had a blast helping stack the first two courses of block Educare Director Betty Weems and James Ladwig, Ladwig Construction discuss the challenges of the project and their hopes for the future.Look for more updates as…

Video: BuildBlock Helps Build 75+ Person Educare Safe Room Part 1
Oklahoma has been in the middle of "Tornado Alley" since it was first defined in the early 1950s. We see our share of tornadoes and strong storms throughout the year. In May 2013 devastating tornadoes hit the community of Moore, Oklahoma and took the lives of several children who were sheltered…

BuildBlock Safe Room Plans & Construction
Growing up in Oklahoma, BuildBlock is familiar with tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. That’s one of the reasons BuildBlock designed our products the way we did. Tight interlocks, integrated rebar hangers, and other features that take the hassle out of building with ICFs. BuildBlock has added FEMA Compliant Safe Room…