Mastropolo Home New York City, NY
24 Nov
BuildBlock Projects

New City, New York home demonstrates BuildBlock ICFs are perfect for special needs

[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] Choosing Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) for one of the most important investments in your life brings peace of mind, safety, and security for you and your family. ICFs allow you to build whatever design you require without compromising energy efficiency, life safety, and comfort. The Mastropolo home in New City, New York…

Water Filtration Plant, White Sulfur Springs, Montana
04 Nov
BuildBlock Projects

BuildBlock ICFs used to rebuild Water Filtration Plant in White Sulfur Springs, Montana

BuildBlock ICF chosen to replace tornado leveled White Sulfur Springs, MT water filtration plant. Summer wind storms are common in Montana,  this particular windstorm in 2012 turned into a powerful tornado and destroyed White Sulfur Spring's fairly new water filtration plant. With the possibility of this happening again, it was time to re-think…