Form-A-Drain (FAD) Accessory Product Changes
The Form-A-Drain (FAD) product is no longer available with fabric attached to the lineals. This change to FAD happened for several reasons. There is a tendency for the fabric to blow off, or otherwis ...
Asked & Answered: What is the Sound Performance of BuildBlock ICFs?
In general, it is important to limit noise and sound transmission through walls. While important in residential structures, this is especially critical in certain commercial structures such as hospita ...
Asked & Answered: Applying Stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms
You can use nearly any finish including applying stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms Stucco can be applied directly over the ICF, without a membrane above grade; below-grade requires waterproofing). Some ...
Asked & Answered: What is the expected lifetime of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam?
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is essentially inert. There have been multiple studies of EPS in the soil for 15 to 30 years demonstrating only minor degradation of the EPS foam. EPS foam is expanded using ...
Asked & Answered: Is there an advantage to using wood bucks for window/door openings versus BuildBuck?
The majority of heat loss in an ICF home comes through wall openings such as windows and doors. You want to ensure that you have maintained as much insulation as possible around your openings. We have ...
Asked & Answered: Recycling Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam
Recycling Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) FoamInsulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are made up to two different types of materials EPS foam and polypropylene plastic webs. One of the questions we frequently ge ...
Asked & Answered: What is the Prescriptive Method and why do we talk about it?
What is the Prescriptive Method? The Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction is the accepted method for installation, general engineering, and standard for ICF h ...
Asked & Answered: Do ICFs Need a Weather Barrier?
One of the questions we are frequently asked is the need for an additional weather barrier or house wrap in ICF construction. The short answer to the question is no. ICFs are a more effective and hi ...
Asked & Answered: Unfinished Basement Fire Barrier
What's required for my unfinished ICF basement?The BuildBlock Intertek IRR1003, requires a 15 minute fire barrier for all EPS that is exposed to the interior of the building. This can be drywall, whic ...
BuildBlock Field Notes
BuildBlock Distributor Jim Deering takes a few minutes to discuss his method and strategies for installing ICF walls. This 15-minute video lays out a few ways that BuildBlock makes your job on site ea ...