Florida Homeowners Embrace BuildBlock ICFs Benefits
These Florida homeowners embrace BuildBlock ICFs benefits for hurricane and disaster resistance, construction speed, and energy efficiency.[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center]This Mediterranean style Florida home was designed to withstand hurricane force winds in the area. When the homeowner understood the safety and efficiency of the wall system, they chose BuildBlock ICFs. Their architect was able to…
BuildBlock ICF Home Comfortable in Southern Heat
[one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last] This BuildBlock ICF Home Comfortable in Southern Heat with 45% humidity inside on a 100+ degree & 90% humidity South Carolina days. The home resembles triple wythe masonry, which is common in Charleston architecture and engineering. The window jambs and door details have the “Classical…
BuildBlock ICFs create stunning Old Florida Island Style home in Matlacha, FL
Drs. Shirley and Jim Salvatore wanted an ICF home with an Old Florida Island Style. This was achieved with ICF block construction by adding wide covered porches to the ICF block shell. A metal hip roof, horizontal cement board siding painted in bright island colors, multiple windows with pocketing sliding glass…
Scottish Style BuildBlock ICF Castle in Connecticut
ICF Castles as unique as they are, have been quite popular lately for BuildBlock Building Systems. This Scottish Castle in New Canaan, Connecticut is now our second ICF castle. This BuildBlock ICF Castle in Connecticut is 6,200 sq ft and is made entirely of ICFs including the obvious castle features…
Slagell’s Building ICF Home in Hydro, Oklahoma
The Slagell's are Building their ICF home with BuildBlock ICFs in Hydro, Oklahoma. The Slagell's were drawn to the idea of ICFs because of the energy efficiency and long life construction ICFs provide. Doing all the work themselves, they had to choose very closely what materials to use. They chose to…
BuildBlock Building Systems visits a BuildBlock project in Chihuahua, Mexico.
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms, (ICFs) expands manufacturing to Monterrey, Mexico. This new location increases availability of the ICFs in Mexico making BuildBlock ICF products viable for any project in the Mexico. BuildBlock CEO Mike Garrett and Latin America Sales Executive Alfonso Nieves recently spent time on a…
Asked & Answered: What is the expected lifetime of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam?
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is essentially inert. There have been multiple studies of EPS in the soil for 15 to 30 years demonstrating only minor degradation of the EPS foam. EPS foam is expanded using steam. It is the entrained air that provide the insulation value in the material. EPS is…
White Paper- R-value and Performance of BuildBlock and BuildLock Knockdown Insulating Concrete Forms
The R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry and is generally understood to indicate how efficient the insulation value of the material or product. R-value under uniform conditions it is the ratio of the temperature difference across an insulator and the heat flux…
Press Release: Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Press Release: Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards
Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada—BuildBlock Building System’s Musgrave Agencies project receives First Runner Up for Light Commercial at the National ICF Builder Awards in Las Vegas, NV. Each year in conjunction of the…
Drew Castle Photo Documentary – Eastern Michigan
See the Drew Castle built with BuildBlock ICFs from start to finish through this photo gallery. Also see the Drew Castle video series part 1-4 on our blog!