BuildBlock Installation Video Series: Site Review
The BuildBlock ICF Site Review gives you a great start in preparing for your ICF project. In this episode of our Installation Video Series we'll cover one of the most important first steps for your project; site review. This video talks about the building site and things you need to consider…

BuildBlock Installation Video Series: ICF Construction Overview
The BuildBlock ICF Construction Overview gives you a great start in preparing for your ICF project. Welcome to the BuildBlock Installation Video Series ICF Construction Overview. The videos in this series are intended to cover the entire ICF construction process with important topics, tips, and techniques. This video covers many of the important…

White Paper- ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm
ICFs Offer Shelter From the Storm News of natural disasters appear almost daily in the media. While some events, such as floods and earthquakes, are restricted within certain geographic regions, wind storms respect no such bounds. Some areas of the country are more prone to tornadoes or hurricanes, but high…

NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlocks ICF Disaster Resistance Capabilities
NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlock ICF's Disaster Resistance Capabilities for security of important documents and equipment. As far as banks go, this is one of the most energy-efficient banks in Oklahoma. Banks are high traffic, and considerations for foot traffic must be accounted for in the design. ICFs coupled with the spray…

Form-A-Drain (FAD) Accessory Product Changes
The Form-A-Drain (FAD) product is no longer available with fabric attached to the lineals. This change to FAD happened for several reasons. There is a tendency for the fabric to blow off, or otherwise become unattached in shipping, variance of codes around the country and detailing different application scenarios for the fabric. Some…

BuildBlock ICF Above Ground Safe Rooms
Tornado season is upon us, and once again, we in the Midwest and Southeast will see thunderstorms forming and rolling across the plains, and we will look up and wonder if that is just a low hanging cloud, or something more ominous. Safety is of primary concern during a tornado. …

Press Release: Reiner Family Builds Ultimate Energy Efficient BuildBlock ICF Home on Lake Miltona
Reiner Family Builds Ultimate Energy Efficient BuildBlock ICF Home on Lake MiltonaFor Immediate Release- MILTONA, MN— Dorothy and Glen Reiner are building a lake home using BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) and GlobalBlock, BuildBlock’s new all foam ICF. This system creates the most energy efficient structures possible with modern technology.…

BuildBlock FieldNotes – 006 ICF Safe Rooms
We’ve all seen what happens on the news when disaster strikes: shattered homes and lives after the tornado or hurricane, smoking ash after the wildfire, and collapsed rubble after the earthquake. Disasters happen when we least expect them,but are something we need to be prepared for. We wear seat belts and have…

Asked & Answered: Do ICFs Need a Weather Barrier?
One of the questions we are frequently asked is the need for an additional weather barrier or house wrap in ICF construction. The short answer to the question is no. ICFs are a more effective and higher class vapor and water barrier than any house wrap product. ICFs must only be protected…

Educare Childcare & After School Program Building 75+ Person Safe Room & Media Class Room in Perkins, OK
Educare Childcare & After School Program Building 75+ Person Safe Room & Media Class Room in Perkins, OK Educare child care is using BuildBlock ICFs to build EF5 multi-purpose safe room tornado shelter for children and staff at First United Methodist Church in Perkins, OK. (Oklahoma City, OK, June 12,…