BuildBlock home Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
25 May
BuildBlock Projects

BuildBlock ICF Home Comfortable in Southern Heat

  [one_third][/one_third] [one_third][/one_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]   This BuildBlock ICF Home Comfortable in Southern Heat with 45% humidity inside on a 100+ degree & 90% humidity South Carolina days. The home resembles triple wythe masonry, which is common in Charleston architecture and engineering. The window jambs and door details have the “Classical…

18 May
Asked & Answered

Asked & Answered: Applying Stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms

You can use nearly any finish including applying stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms Stucco can be applied directly over the ICF, without a membrane above grade; below-grade requires waterproofing). Some contractors will use paper or house wrap behind the stucco, but it’s not necessary. For traditional stucco, a mechanical attachment is required (metal…