Asked & Answered: Why don’t walls with corners layout in even foot dimensions?
Why don't walls with corners layout in even foot dimensions? This is an interesting question we receive occasionally from designers, engineers, and builders.It is possible to create a building that wi ...
Asked & Answered: ICF Myths, Half-Truths, and Misconceptions
[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#eee" end_color="#eee" border="#ccc" color="#333333"] Download the Brochure [download id="13855" template="filename2" align="left"][/message] Separat ...
White Paper: The ICF Effect
Continuous R-Value, reduced air infiltration and thermal mass all make up the ICF Effect New energy codes, higher fuel prices, and colder winters have all contributed to an increased awareness of ene ...
Form-A-Drain (FAD) Accessory Product Changes
The Form-A-Drain (FAD) product is no longer available with fabric attached to the lineals. This change to FAD happened for several reasons. There is a tendency for the fabric to blow off, or otherwis ...
Asked & Answered: What is the Sound Performance of BuildBlock ICFs?
In general, it is important to limit noise and sound transmission through walls. While important in residential structures, this is especially critical in certain commercial structures such as hospita ...
BuildBlock ICF Above Ground Safe Rooms
Tornado season is upon us, and once again, we in the Midwest and Southeast will see thunderstorms forming and rolling across the plains, and we will look up and wonder if that is just a low hanging cl ...
Asked & Answered: Applying Stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms
You can use nearly any finish including applying stucco on BuildBlock ICF Forms Stucco can be applied directly over the ICF, without a membrane above grade; below-grade requires waterproofing). Some ...
Asked & Answered: What is the expected lifetime of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam?
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is essentially inert. There have been multiple studies of EPS in the soil for 15 to 30 years demonstrating only minor degradation of the EPS foam. EPS foam is expanded using ...
White Paper- Vapor Barriers (Retarders) and Air Barriers
Air and moisture can get into a home a number of ways. Convective transfer involves moving air, such as a draft around a window or door, electrical boxes, or other wall penetrations. Diffusion refers ...
White Paper- R-value and Performance of BuildBlock and BuildLock Knockdown Insulating Concrete Forms
The R-value is a measure of thermal resistance used in the building and construction industry and is generally understood to indicate how efficient the insulation value of the material or product. R-v ...