Asked & Answered: ICF Myths, Half-Truths, and Misconceptions
[message type="custom" width="100%" start_color="#eee" end_color="#eee" border="#ccc" color="#333333"] Download the Brochure [download id="13855" template="filename2" align="left"][/message] Separate fact from fiction and dispel ICF Myths, Half-Truths, and Misconceptions. ICFs are too expensive… ICFs cost 3%-7% more on average compared to using traditional wood construction. This difference can be reduced by smaller HVAC requirements,…

White Paper: The ICF Effect
Continuous R-Value, reduced air infiltration and thermal mass all make up the ICF EffectNew energy codes, higher fuel prices, and colder winters have all contributed to an increased awareness of energy efficient construction. For consumers and builders, this means a stronger focus on increased “R-value” of the building envelope. Understanding the…

NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlocks ICF Disaster Resistance Capabilities
NBC Bank Utilizes BuildBlock ICF's Disaster Resistance Capabilities for security of important documents and equipment. As far as banks go, this is one of the most energy-efficient banks in Oklahoma. Banks are high traffic, and considerations for foot traffic must be accounted for in the design. ICFs coupled with the spray…

DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs
The DIY Plowman Home using BuildBlock ICFs is a true do-it-yourself project from start to finish.Science Teacher, Phillip Plowman and his father are sharing their BuildBlock ICF project. They have been building an entire home themselves from top to bottom for the last year, using much of summer break and…

The Puddingstone Cottage
The Puddingstone Cottage is a 1,200 square foot all ICF earth bermed home. Even the retaining walls utilize ICFs for their toughness.Puddingstone Cottage is an all ICF home that utilizes full height earth berms on three sides of the house to achieve its ultra-high energy performance and added protection from…

BuildBlock ICFs Meet Future Building Codes Today
BuildBlock ICFs meet future building codes today and are independently tested for compliance with 2015 building codes.Building codes are constantly evaluated and revised and BuildBlock ICFs continue exceed current code requirements and planned future building codes for energy efficiency. Every three years the IRC and IBC release updated codes. These codes are usually the basis for…

Scottish Style BuildBlock ICF Castle in Connecticut
ICF Castles as unique as they are, have been quite popular lately for BuildBlock Building Systems. This Scottish Castle in New Canaan, Connecticut is now our second ICF castle. This BuildBlock ICF Castle in Connecticut is 6,200 sq ft and is made entirely of ICFs including the obvious castle features…

BuildBlock Building Systems visits a BuildBlock project in Chihuahua, Mexico.
[custom_frame_center shadow="on"][/custom_frame_center] BuildBlock Insulating Concrete Forms, (ICFs) expands manufacturing to Monterrey, Mexico. This new location increases availability of the ICFs in Mexico making BuildBlock ICF products viable for any project in the Mexico. BuildBlock CEO Mike Garrett and Latin America Sales Executive Alfonso Nieves recently spent time on a…

Press Release: Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Press Release: Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards
Musgrave Agencies Wins First Runner up Light Commercial Project Using BuildBlock ICFs at the 2014 National ICF Builder Awards Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada—BuildBlock Building System’s Musgrave Agencies project receives First Runner Up for Light Commercial at the National ICF Builder Awards in Las Vegas, NV. Each year in conjunction of the…

Drew Castle Photo Documentary – Eastern Michigan
See the Drew Castle built with BuildBlock ICFs from start to finish through this photo gallery. Also see the Drew Castle video series part 1-4 on our blog!